How our Cooling battery Works
The sand battery works in a configuration made of 4 parts:

1. The air chiller device
(batsand component)
During the day the chiller gets air to -40C degrees. The air is then blown in a closed loop (inlet/outlet) through insulated stainless steel pipes to the sand vessel.

3. Air/water energy transfer
(batsand component)
When evening cooling demands, air is recirculated by the air heat exchanger, and provides a stable stream of air at 15C degrees to be used for house cooling.

2. Sand vessel
(DIY by Batsand Blueprints)
Air at -40C degrees arrives at the bottom of the vessel, circulates, and cools the sand tank. This process is repeated until the tank is at stable -40C degrees.

4. Electronics
(batsand component)
The brain. It detects when PV systems are sending the surplus electricity to the grid and activates the Air chiller to consume it. If no PV systems, the API will check the local grid for pricing of Kw/h and turn on when the price is low or minus.

Batsand Battery

14Kw System
For small and medium houses
The equipment is designed to supply cooling for residential buildings from 200 to 500m2 depending on the heating efficiency of the building envelope.
This system needs a sand vessel of 40m3 to 80m3. Constructed according to Batsand blueprints designed purposely for this system. And it should be at a maximum distance of 6 meters from the cooling equipment.
25Kw System
For medium and large houses
The system is designed to supply cooling for residential buildings from 400 to 1200m2 depending on the heating efficiency of the building envelope.
This system needs a sand vessel of 70m3 to 120m3 (depending on building size). Constructed according to Batsand blueprints designed purposely for this system. And it should be at a maximum distance of 8 meters from the cooling equipment.

Use Cases
Pair it to the grid or renewable energy source as solar panels and wind turbines
Sand Tank
Where the cooling is stored
The vessel works as a swimming pool in your backyard. The only difference is that it is filled with sand instead of water, wrapped in home insulation and buried in a way that you don't see it. It can be done in any size (the bigger the more energy it can hold), and if constructed according to our blueprint will be able to hold energy for periods of 1-2 months without relevant losses.
All materials necessary for its construction can be bought in any DIY shop. The sand vessel can be constructed in any country, in any city, in any place. And it can be done by anybody that is willing to do the work of digging and assembling - Yes, it's that easy!
Taking into account the average pricing for materials in the EU market, the cost for the necessary materials used in cooling vessels for a 350m2 residential building is 3000 Euros/USD.