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Typical questions we have been getting

Can Batsand use the surplus of my solar panel?

Yes. Batsand provides sensors that connect to your home power supply. When those detect electricity being diverted to the public grid it will trigger the heating equipment to start working and use the surplus to heat the battery.

Do I need an internet connection?

No. You will need a router, but all sensors and triggers can work without an internet connection.

Can I use Batsand without a neutral supply?

No. Some of the sensors and the heating components will require a neutral power supply.

Can I use black sand in the sand tank?

No. Batsand can effectively be used with a variety of grain sizes but it requires it to be inorganic sand.

What insulation should I use for the sand pool?

All types of insulation needed can be bought in any DIY shop. You can use stone wool, mineral wool, polystyrene or polyurethane insulation.

Can I use Batsand without solar panels?

Yes. If your region has variable electricity pricing and the price is low in the summer, you can program Batsand to automatically turn on when the price reaches the desired price. Without variable electricity pricing, your only solution is to pair Batsand with solar panels.

How many kW of solar panels do I need?

You can see the recommendation table by batsand here. But as an alternative, you can ask any neighbor with solar panels how much kW they use from their panels and how much is diverted to the grid (a house usually only uses 50% of the available power). As a rule of thumb, you should consider 6kW for home use and 14kW for supply batsand. Having a total of 20kw system.

What are the risks associated with sand batteries?

There are no significant risks associated with our system, unlike chemical batteries. We store heat at 500°C, with heated sand safely encapsulated in insulation. In the unlikely event of sabotage leading to a water leak into the sand, the water would evaporate instantly upon contact. The system is designed to prevent pressurization, so any excess would simply escape as steam.

What issues might arise when using it for hot water?

Hot water can be supplied at temperatures ranging from 20°C to 85°C, and we anticipate no problems within this range. However, if someone attempts to hack the system to achieve higher temperatures, there may be issues with the valves due to increased pressure. In such cases, it's essential for the individual to consider using valves that can withstand those higher pressures.

Is the quality of the sand and the sand's specific heat important?

No. All our tests utilize the worst sand available: dune sand, which has the lowest thermal conductivity. For industries that require faster charging and discharging, iron sand could be beneficial.

is it possible to heat an underfloor system that normally operates at lower temperatures than radiators?

Yes, you can connect the hot water supply from the battery to two water mixers: one for a lower temperature and another for a higher temperature. This is a totally normal situation.

 If you didn't find what you were looking for, please write your questions in the comments. 

Comments (47)

5d ago

Can you specify the noise level (dB) the heater is producing?


Do you sell these in the US?


Feb 23

Good afternoon. Did you sell your products in Romania ?


In the Netherlands we have lots of houses that have a crawlspace. I have a 3 story 132m2 house with the floorplan 5,4x9m, so around 45m2 crawlspace. Can the entire system / sandbattery be stored in the crawlspace?


What would be the consequences of operating the system with a smaller sand vessel? I am thinking of about 15 - 20 m3. Would it simply mean approximately 40% of the energy output? Or would there be other issues? Thank You.


Could I run the heat exchanger in reverse during summer months to use the batsand to hydronically cool my home in the summer? I live in a heating dominated climate, (4800 HDD, 500 CDD) but the peaks each summer are getting less tolerable.

Replying to

Das wird nur schwer möglich sein, denn bei der Sandbatterie handelt sich ja um einen Saisonspeicher.

Bedeutet.... du lagerst im Sommer Wärme ein, eben dann, wenn genügend PV Überschuss vorhanden ist, um diese dann im Winter zu entnehmen. Du brauchst ja den Faktor Zeit, um die kWh in Form von Wärme oder Kälte in den Speicher einzulagern. Du willst im Sommer Kälte entnehmen und gleichzeitig Wärme einlagern, das geht so nicht, du musst dich schon entscheiden, es geht nur eines gleichzeitig.

Für den heißen Sommer gibt es ja die Klimaanlagen.😉

Tipp, ein sehr gut isoliertes Haus, am besten Ziegel, tagsüber Fenster und Türen geschlossen halten, erst am Späten Abend/Nachts, wenn es kühler, also unter 20°C wird, lüften.

Dann kühlen die Wände innen und außen ab für den nächsten Tageszyklus.

Wichtig .........morgends sobald es draußen 20 °C hat, wieder alle Fenster und Türen zu!

Sonst kommt die Wärme rein und du hast einen "Backofen" der nicht mehr abkühlen kann.

Ich mach das seit 20 Jahren genau so, funktioniert eigentlich bis auf die über 20°C warmen Nächte sehr gut.


Due to regulatory changes in the Netherlands at 1-1-2027 The Batsand Solution Could be very interesting. Do you think your Solution can be provided by that time? Would a 20ft shipping container be a right vessel for the battery? Are you planning smaller devices? My house can currently be heated sufficiënt with a 6KW Nilan Compact P Geo. Could the Batsand device be Connected to the Nilan Geo?


Do you already have commercial systems operational for several seasons in a climate similar to the Netherlands, or even colder? I understand you have a site in Riga, do you have experience with the system there?


Your technology sounds very interesting. What do you expect would be a reasonable timeline before you can supply a system to mainland Europe (the Netherlands).


Buongiorno sono Fabio,

ho una casa in campagna in Italia regione Piemonte con esposizione a Sud di 500mq con riscaldamento a pavimento ed impianto fotovoltaico di 12kwh.

Potreste consigliarmi la batteria a sabbia migliore ed indicarmi un costo comprensivo di spedizione?

Quali sono i tecnici che possono effettuare i collegamenti?

Avete qualche team di montatori da voi accreditati in Italia?

Grazie mille per un vostro cortese riscontro.


Good morning, I'm Fabio,

I have a house in the countryside in Italy Piedmont region with southern exposure of 500sqm with underfloor heating and photovoltaic system of 12kwh.

Could you recommend the best sand battery and indicate a cost including shipping?

Who are the technicians who can make the connections?

Do you have any team of editors accredited by you in Italy?

Thank you very much for your kind feedback.




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